In response...
In response to an interesting "article" written by a blogger about Realogy, the CEO of Realogy Franchise Group had this to say to our fold:
- During the past several years Realogy has moved aggressively to mitigate the impact of the economy on our company. We have successfully reduced our overhead by more than $350 million and continue to focus on maximizing the effectiveness of our cost structure.
- As we have focused on costs we have been equally focused on growth. In spite of the woes of the housing market we have made great progress in advancing our company. From franchise sales to the retention of the top-tier sales associates to signing new clients at Cartus and Title Resource Group, we continue to be forward thinking, highly focused on the future of our company and the industry.
- In 2009, we expect to benefit from considerably lower interest rates since a significant portion of our bank debt is tied to LIBOR;
- None of our corporate debt is due until at least 2013; and
- Unlike many companies in today’s economy, we have the support and commitment of one of the best financed private equity firms in the country, Apollo Management.